International Conference Day 3

Feb 10, 2017 12:56
Today was the final day of the international conference.

I felt bad from a hangover, but I went to the venue and listened presentations from the morning.

After lunch, I went out to buy chocolates with a small sightseeing.

The shop is "Demeestere" located in an outskirt of Leuven, and I found a rumor that the chocolates are really tasty on the Internet.

It had a very good atmosphere, and I inadvertently bought a lot of chocolates (around 150 euro).

Then I came back to the conference, and after it finished, other Japanese participants and I went to Brussels for sightseeing.

First we went to Grand Place, then saw famous Mannequin Piss, walked around Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, buy chocolates, and ate waffles.

It was a very fulfill day.




ルーベンの郊外にある Demeestere というお店で、とても美味しいという噂をネットで見つけました。




No. 1 ❤NihonjinAtHeart❤'s correction
  • I felt bad from a hangover, but I went to the venue and listened presentations from the morning.
  • I felt bad because of a hangover, but I went to the venue and listened to presentations from the morning.
  • After lunch, I went out to buy chocolates with a small sightseeing.
  • After lunch, I went out to buy chocolates with a little sightseeing.
  • The shop is "Demeestere" located in an outskirt of Leuven, and I found a rumor that the chocolates are really tasty on the Internet.
  • The shop is "Demeestere" located on the outskirt of Leuven, and I found a rumor on the Internet that the chocolates are really tasty.
  • It had a very good atmosphere, and I inadvertently bought a lot of chocolates (around 150 euro).
  • It had a very good atmosphere, and I inadvertently bought a lot of chocolates (around 150 euros).
     Great adjectives!!
  • First we went to Grand Place, then saw famous Mannequin Piss, walked around Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, buy chocolates, and ate waffles.
  • First, we went to Grand Place, then saw famous Mannequin Piss, walked around Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, bought chocolates, and ate waffles.
     Make sure when listing events that you keep all of your verbs in the same tense (in this case, past tense).
  • It was a very fulfill day.
  • It was a very fulfilling day.
You express your ideas very clearly! Just work on your verb tenses and small grammar errors.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I'm glad to hear you say that :)